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Showing posts from June, 2021

[Updated]: PROPHETIC Virtualization; "Just Speak The WORD"!

...engaging eternity web system (ews). The Eternity Cyberspace of Divinity can be accessed anytime, any day and from anyway using the eternal web application -Faith. For effective and efficient virtual Contact, Connection and Communication with Divinity, Faith remains that only eternity web link, Yes, FAITH! Faith is God’s life entrusted to us. Faith is the Divinity’s way of life. Faith is the linking portal between Divinity and Humanity. Programming Results & Solutions to the needs of life; Faith is both the micro and macro processor that launches man to the Cyberspace of Eternity. It is written, for without faith, it is impossible to contact, click, link, connect, communicate or hook up with the Monarchial Settings and Functions of Heaven. FAITH is like a Web or Link connecting the Giver and the Receiver for desired Expectation and Solution. Faith is the connection Software to update Humanity from the very source of all flesh, Divinity. Our communication and contact (rel...

BETWEEN YOUR HATERS & LOVERS: Changing the narratives of social media bullying.

...7 Truth About "Your Haters" plus 5 Ways to Manage your weak emotions (C an you sincerely identify or spot the different between real haters or lovers?) Nothing can be as offensive to a weak, jealous and religious mind like operating the mind of Christ within the space you are not needed or celebrated. It will amaze you that the folks you called “my haters”, you did out of your weak emotions and rational mindset. “ Your haters” are not your haters, but your critics. Today, change your mindset and reset your emotions for the right orientation. They are not your haters, they are not evil. Real haters don’t just hate they eat. Be amazed today, make your eye open to realities, “your HATERS” according to you are actually your HELPERS in disguise. Your haters don’t hate you in actual reality. “ Your haters” are your prophetically designed and delivered to your space to get you up and going. “ Your haters” are sent to help you keep extracting the very best of you especially ...