From our Timely and Timeless Series on Leadership; EXCEPTIONAL LEADERSHIP Series, Passion is the 2nd Currency of THE CURRENCIES OF LIFE.

THE FIRST FIVE CURRENCIES OF LIFE; sequel from the last note, we established how “money is the fifth currency and not the first of the currencies of life”.
the number two currency of life in engaging The POWER of WORK is PASSION; yes
YOUR PASSION and not your Purse.
Of the first five Currencies of life,
Passion is the 2nd; going for a job, building a business, profession
or career, do you want to grow a prophetic and leading brand, product etc? Take
Note; Your Passion is the 2nd currency; every “defined rich and wealthy person”
knows this principle by default and sincerely you cannot escape this reality.
PASSION; In all of the leading dictionary
definitions of Passion, I prophetically chose to go with the English Language Learners Definition; which
defines passion as a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for
something or about doing something.
Prophetically also, I chose - Ecclesiastes 9:10 to give Supernatural
balance to the above definition, and it says; Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor
device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the
grave, whither thou goest.
the root and original definition,
the word passion is deeper a spiritual content than it is in the contemporary
definition. It is first Latin before is it English and it is spiritual as it
connects to what defines the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ and the
things changes by time, even many words have changed, definitions improved by
usage and application. These changes also include acceptability and
applications observing and scrutinizing the root of the word and that sure
gives fresh awareness. So, i encourage you
to do a passion test first by taking time to find out for yourself the root
definition of passion and always engage your spirit to evaluate your desires if
they fit for your vision and actions.
of this content and masterpiece on “passion” is lifted here from my coming work
on (BT) presenting passion as one of those words where the modern applications
appears disengaged from the original definition. The word passion has it root
word from the Latin root word “patior”, which means to suffer. It is first used
in English in 1175 AD and according to a survey; the word is commonly used in
writing than in communication.
disconnection from the very root definition “to suffer” or “suffering” by it
contemporary usage has undermined the breath and strength of the knowledge of
the word passion and presenting it as describing an intense desire which is
often sexual in nature. Another updated definition defines passion as being an
unreasonable force that is also desirable; the two definitions above has messed
up the very intention to make passion a driving force for lust or misguided
pleasure in value as against purpose in value (SERVICE in life).
PASSION is where you heart is; Matthew 6:21“For where your treasure
is, there will your heart be also.” 1
Corinthians 10:31 Whether therefore
ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Colossians 3:23 And whatsoever ye
do, do [it] heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Ever heard the saying that says allow
your PASSION to become your PURPOSE and one day your will see your passion
becomes your PROFESSION.
My brother, people get wetin dey
drive im life o… check their actions, you go see wetin dey drive dem.
Your passion drive should be your
vision and your vision must be first to SERVE Divinity and then Humanity and in
serving humanity is your Prosperity without struggles, manipulations or
the Prophetic Institute of Timeless Prosperity as constituted by Pastor Thomas
Buchi, be cool and read prophetically in bullet points what Passion truly is;
1. Passion is where your heart is, else
you will be nowhere in life.
2. Passion is your might for every
3. Passion is the fuel for your vision;
that is, your motivation and regulation (your remote control) why you behave
the way you behave and you do the things you do.
4. Passion is very strong; that is why
it is defined as a very powerful feeling of the human emotion.
5. Passion is your password to your
vision and mission.
6. Your action is the revelation of your
7. What there is no passion, power is
underused and even misused.
8. Passion is your driver because, no passion,
no drive.
9. No passion, no vision-No vision, no
10. Your Passion is 2nd
Currency whither thou goest.
Three important NOTE here:
1. You work for your passion not for
your purse. Because in the very dark moments of life, your passion is the
currency that will sustain and carry you through and not your purse or what is
in your purse.
Anything short
of your passion in life will drive you to the path of Confusion, especially
when trials and challenges unveil.
remember, currency in the purse will always go out when there is no passion in
your heart.
Service as I lead you through the Prophetic Content of the now Exceptional
Leadership Route.
#1, Olabisi Str. Mende
Maryland-Ikeja Lagos @ The POWERDOME; The Shepherd’s House Assembly Int’l Lagos
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