... Women Are The Best Expression of Heavenly Worship On Earth
...Worship is that Divine privilege that enables a believer to share in the Divine Deoxyribonucleic Acid corpuscle of Yahweh.
Beyond access to Divinity, worship is that Divine privilege that enables a believer to share in the Divine Deoxyribonucleic Acid corpuscle of Yahweh. The Supernatural animation of God that carries both the name and prophetic molecules of the Creator and His genetic being and functions in all living soul. Please be focused!
Worship is a profession in Heaven only professionals on earth planet maximizes the advantages of worship. Worship is the profession of our faith here on earth as God’s children as glorified patriarchs of the Gospel of His Glory. Believers are in the career of worship of the Deity, I mean in full time expression and reverence of the Monarch of Heaven and Earth. If God ever made you, you are designed and redesigned in His DNA for full worship in WORDS, WORKS, WALK. WILL, WAYS and ALL HE IS.
Worship is NOW & ALWAYS. Worship is a Divine privilege, only the living are consistent in it. Anytime you want to log-on or sign-in to the space of Immortality or engage Divinity, the all time app is Worship, press the worship button and it will land you right in the presence of the Self-existing God.
The Eyes and the Heart of Jehovah scans through the lens of Eternity roams and hovers the space of the Earth searching for those whose business is the Worship of the Father for He seeketh such timely (NOW). But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. John four verse twenty three.
Everything points to Him, that in the worship of this unseen God, is our very life fully expressed and revealed. Infact believers weapon of war is worship. Ever seen warships especially the American marines, Holy Ghost! Imagine those marine warships on the seas of human control, now imagine your God and what you can do in the Worship of Him beyond man made warships. That is the imagination beyond that that I want you to house in your mind when in worship of the God of the universe.
Leave your tiny problems out of it, even your problems cannot be as big as the those marine warships. Exodus fifteen verse eleven-twelve: Who among the gods is like you, O LORD? Who is like you-- majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? You stretched out your right hand and the earth swallowed them.
Worship is not just an obligation or some realm of spiritual atmosphere, but the attitudinal behaviour and orientation of those truly believe. In the realm of worship, mortals are transfused and transported into immortality. Humanity nature and behaviour transmogrifies and metamorphose to the very nature Divinity.
First John three verse two-three; Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. The mechanism of Divine worship reveals the expression of reverence to God. God is a Spirit, He is supernatural, we are natural. Worship of the Elohim confers on us the glory and beauty of Divinity. Luficer lost it and so he lost his very essence and being, you shall not lose yours in the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen!
Worship is the response of grateful and humble people to the living God where submission, sacrificial service, praise, profession, testimony and gratitude are freely offered unhindered and unlimited.
Worship is a going concern. The Divine expression of wholehearted worship reveals the need for consistent engagement as our obligation of worship to the Almighty non stop. Firefully on going on per seconds GLOBALLY and ETERNALLY moreso. Hebrews thirteen verse fifteen;By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.
Worship is the trade secret of spirits. Papa Talena said and I quote, “worship is the fellowship of spirits, only spirit beings engage in the worship of Him”. Worship is language of spirits; Ephesians five verses nineteen; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Worship is the transaction of spirits, in the board room of spirits, worship is the business terminology. If there be any communication in the realms of the spirit, worship is the only connection. If you want to consistently enjoy RELEVANCE, engage the purity that comes from the realm and corridors of Divine Worship of Yahweh!
Worship is deep. I mean worship is a deep deal in Divinity. John four verse twenty four; God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. In truth here means, in REALITY & in TOTALITY, I mean nothing hidden from Him.
Worship is the deepest expression of living souls to the living God. Worship is a divine opportunity, a service you owe Divinity largely in your favour. Psalms one hundred forty nine verse three; Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. Psalms one hundred and fifty verse five; Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
is the act and art of the living soul to the living God. Worship is a
divine opportunity, a service you owe Divinity.
Encounter cannot be possible without the access into the realms of Worship. Infact, worship is an encounter, to encounter the Supernatural, you must come to terms with worship. You have to become a worshiper to become a member or candidate of the supernatural and Supernatural encounter.
Worship is the gateway to supernatural encounters. You enter encounter realms through the gates of pure hearted spiritual worship. Psalms one hundred verse four; Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Encounter worship before you encounter results, encounter in worship before you can encounter in destiny. Times of refreshing shall come from the presence of God the Bible says...Acts three verses nineteen.
If you must grow your encounter profile and portfolio in the real prophetic stocks, then worship is the active and only available commodity. Worship is one experience with Believers especially our women.
Worship is common with women because of their nature. Women are spiritual and soft by making, that is why they share same core designation and assignment with the Holy Spirit. So, where you see worship, you can easily find women around, they easily connect to the things of God, its in their nature.
enables possibilities, shakes off burdens and helps you to see life
and things from the space of eternity. No man worships truly and
remains the same. Are you burdened or heavy laden, worship will
introduce you to rest and restoration.
Worship is TURNER, Psalms thirty verse nine; Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness. Try and live in the Sanctity and Sanctuary of worship and watch that sackcloth burn to ashes and fades away like the night when the morning comes.
True worship of God is far beyond an act of religious devotion usually directed towards a deity according to dictionary definition of worship. Worship is not about an emotion, it is more about our recognition of the sovereign God. A Supernatural mindset of living and giving all of us to the Maker.
If you are not a consistent worshiper, you are denying yourself of Him and if that is your case, it means denying your destiny of possibilities and the strange acts of God.
To live a consistent life of encounter, Worship is the lifeline.
So, be worship, live worship, show worship, share worship and enjoy worship!
God Bless you all.
My friends, I sincerely do not want to assume everyone who comes here to read through my blog is born again (a rebirth of the human spirit by the Holy Spirit). Kindly own up your will and your ways if you would love to give your life to Christ, there is only one Will and one Way and that is Jesus Christ.
The topic treated here is a function and fruit of the Holy Spirit beginning with the LOVE OF GOD. God loves you and this is true. This is the reason He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to redeem your soul eternally.
Say this prayer after me here: LORD JESUS, I (your name and surname) AM SORRY FOR MY OLD WILLS AND WAYS OF LIFE. FORGIVE ME OF MY PAST LIFE, BE MY LORD AND SAVIOUR, WASH ME IN YOUR BLOOD AND SAVE MY SOUL. I BELONG TO YOU FROM TODAY AND I WILL SERVE YOU ONLY. WRITE MY NAME IN THE BOOK OF LIFE. THANK YOU JESUS FOR SAVING ME. AMEN. Mail me here for follow up or locate a Spirit filled Church around your location, and Bible base assembly believers to enjoy your prophetic journey with Christ. I love you richly.
Pastor Buchi Thomas by name.
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