This is the revelation that informed the prayer caption for Day 2 (DECEMBER Monthly Prophetic Action; PRAYER FOR A NEW UPGRADED STRATEGY. Once, its not working, GET TO PRAY. Seek the face of the Almighty, New and Refreshing Ideas and Winning Strategies will sure unveil.
This is what the Lord says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, WHO TEACHES YOU what is good for you and leads you along the paths you should follow. Isaiah 48:17.
For Peter, Jesus came to him, you shall be Supernaturally located and rewarded with new and upgraded strategies in the name of Jesus Christ Amen! Secondly, Jesus engaged his boat (you will not be adamant to new and upgraded deals in the name of Jesus Christ Amen). The humanity of tried to stop him from breaking through into his new dimension, but thank God for Mercy, God’s mercy shall make up for you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen! The strategy favoured Peter eventually, stop the surface dealings with God, life and get serious with Prophetic realities. Peter at every point of his new upgrade complained and tried giving excuses. Thank God, he gave the new a try, I pray for you that your heart and eyes shall be open to your deeper dimensions of your destiny.
And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. 2 Kings 6:17
The key prayer here is; Lord open my inner mind, my prophetic
eyes to see beyond the veils of life, weak global economies, recessions and
inflations globally. I receive grace not to allow the weak economic policies of Nations, Nigeria (my country), my father’s house, mothers house and pressures from all
sides of life disconnect me from my realities (New Dimension).
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9.
FIRE PRAYER: Lord open the eyes of my understanding
(spiritually, physically, mentally, professionally/Career,
Economically/Financially, Business) in my sector to what eyes have not seen, ears
heard, what have not entered the hearts of men which you have prepared for my New Dimension in the
name of JESUS CHRIST Amen!
Friends, join me in the prophetic tracking of the astonishing
episode of Jacob wrestling an angel at the Wadi Jabbok unveiling many
questions and an assortment of conflicting answers. Jacobs battling for his New
Dimension is related in Genesis 32:25–33. Jacob had reached the Wadi Jabbok on
his return home after a nonappearance from Canaan of some twenty years.
FIRE PRAYER: Any name or situations of life attached negatively
to my name in the spirit realm and is finding expression physically, right now,
I destroyed such negativity by the fire of the Almighty in the name of Jesus
Christ Amen!
Hear this Sir/Ma, a man housed a whole nation in his bowels, and carried that mandate, dreams and desires until an encounter with Heaven for his Next & NEW Dimension. But his name had to be changed to reflect his prophetic identity and destiny, his new and next dimension never saw its manifestations until that encounter such as we are having here today. Yours is next even now!!!!!
He was Abram despite the promise and mandate, then he encountered Divinity in Genesis 17:1-15 and the negativity attached to his prophetic destiny changed, from
Abram to ABRAHAM. Sir/Ma, no more negativity in and around your life.
The altars that fought his wife Sarai made sure they discolored her mindset and orientation. Heaven came forth for her also, everything moved from Sarai to Sarah; the MERCY of God reached her at the place of absolute submission. This is the testimony of how Isaac (Laughter) came to bear, how SARAI became SARAH, New Dimension is released for you woman.
Let's profile Hannah briefly here, Hmmmmm how do I talk about the 20 years barrenness that
suddenly ended and her negativity gave way and her status changed, the
negativity attached to her name, HANNAH THE barren woman became the mother of
many sons in fact the mother of Israel's most profound prophet, MoG Samuel.
Saul had encounters such as we are having in this season
(don't forget every SEASON is for a REASON, if only you know).
Saul the PERSECUTOR was changed, transformed and became PAUL
the INTERCESSOR (your testimony is next ooooooo). He Himself said, and I will
make thy NAME GREAT. I will BLESS YOU & You shall be A BLESSING.
As one entrusted with this revelation, I Decree and Declare;
Whatever error and negativity attached to your Name overtime Right Now all of
it are blotted out by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST Amen!!!! The Lord is giving you
a NEW NAME. No More Setbacks, End to Barren Situations and Negative Circles and
Impressions. I put a total End to Afflictions, Blindness, Weakness, Wickedness,
Sicknesses and Diseases of all kind in the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen.
Now in the name of JESUS CHRIST, I curse the root of any
Negative Name Associated or Attached to you in the realms of the spirit.
Altars responsible, evil men and women responsible against
your destiny in Christ is wiped out now by Fire and by the Blood of His Cross
in the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen!!!!! Get set tonight 8pm on ZOOM PROPHETIC
Don't forget to observe your 1PM PROPHETIC PRIVATE MOMENT.
your SEASONING (SWEET Fragrance and Values in the name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN) PASTOR BUCHI THOMAS
Fire For Front. Fire
Behind Me. Fire Everywhere
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