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Showing posts from July, 2020

SPIRITUALITY=CAPACITY PT3; Prophetic Definitions Of Spirituality and Capacity

...Analyzing The Mystery Of The Words; CAP. A. CITY Welcome to the Part three of this series; SPIRITUALITY=CAPACITY. Kindly follow up from Part one, it will connect you here as we prophetically look at the definitions of the two key words and as it profit us in this times. God bless you, kindly read on with an open heart. When Humanity craves for the move into Divinity, spaces are created for strange happenings; it is what we know as the supernatural, this is how Spirituality overrules Humanity tendencies. What is Spirituality? 1. Spirituality is conscientiousness, scrupulousness, industriousness and assiduousness in all prophetic functions of life; button-line, it must produce results with indelible generational impacts with matchless testimonial. 2.    Spirituality is a shift, a deliberate and constant adjustment from the terrestrial realms to the celestial domain. 3.      Spirituality is the moment to moment journey from the telluric sur...

SPIRITUALITY=CAPACITY PT2; Evolve Now, Using The 7 Prophetic Intro Guide

"Resisting deliberate growth processes is like denying yourself of the provisional capacity to be in leadership" -Pastor Buchi Thomas THE INTRO GUIDE: To evolve is to change, grow, progress, advance, develop, and go forward. The bothering question here is what exactly are you evolving in to and how are you going about that processes. In all honesty, the above interrogation of what and how will determine the capacity you earn to productively forge ahead in life, win battles, advance, grow and make commensurable progress. Open your heart, enjoy the prophetic guides as impressed in my heart by the Holy Spirit. Spirituality: step out now, build desired capacity through the following intro guide. 1. Choose your battle prophetically; your vision, industry, seasons, circles, opportunities and wins. 2.    Configure your mind to win always : if you can configure your mind-set to win, then you can equally figure it out knowing that you cannot win always if your mind is ...