REASONS FOR MISPLACED PRIORITIES IN RELATIONSHIPS: Any Relationship that is not FULFILLING you is sure FOOLING you. NOTE: Relationships are God's divine designs to fulfill His divine Purpose in our lives, our INtentions makes all the difference. Be Wise, Relationships are Spiritual, avoid insensitive & careless handling of your relationships. Pst Buchi Thomas I love productive and profiting relationships, sure everyone does and everyone would love to keep the fun and sweetness of their relationships going. There are certain responsibilities expected of everyone in whatever relationship you may be in and these responsibilities must be rehearsed and renewed to keep the sweetness ceaseless, tasteful, and indeed an ever delightful experience. There are many reasons people behave in certain ways especially in relationships but whatever the reasons are, once priorities are misplaced there will sure be an outcome, plus or minus. Relationships can make or mar individual a...