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The God of Creation dispensation is the same God all through times and seasons to Revelation dispensation, revealing Himself to all men as the God of all kings, kingdoms, sectors, industries, careers etc and this is the beauty of the above topical outline, “The God Of All Grace” who is also known as the God of all flesh (Jeremiah thirty two verses twenty seven and the God of all comforts (second Corinthians one verse three)... -Pastor Buchi THOMAS.

But the God Of All Grace, who hath called us unto His Eternal Glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect (seamless, sanctified), stablish, strengthen, settle you; first Peter Fiver verse ten.

The God of all Grace is the God of all ages, the same God yesterday, today and forever. He alone called us and is still calling many unto His eternal glory because glory is His nature, culture and dwelling and all of God’s desire is to bring as many as believed to have and express His nature, His culture, His dwelling of “eternal glory”.

The above Scripture reveals the provision by and in which God called us unto His eternal glory and dwelling through “Jesus Christ”. Jesus Christ is God’s Grace given and expended to salvage, save and sanctify human race from all form of insults, disgrace and depreciation's. Gods’ Grace is God’s Resource At Christ Expense –G R A C E.

God is the God of all Grace from ages past till date because He abodes in eternity, giving life to mankind, restoring live and health to dead cells, blood and tissues, calling “all” out from darkness unto the kingdom of light and power. God is the God of all grace because He is the God of all and not just the God of some. God is the God of all Grace because He has promised and will bring to pass all that He had promised. He promised us His Son Jesus Christ and gave Him up for us for our justification, sanctification, restoration, manifestation, glorification most importantly the salvation of our souls.

The era of Adam was a season that man experienced the Grace of God by creation and the creation of all things by God, and man inclusive. Infact the deal of creation was for man to function in the Grace plan of God “in His image and Likeness” which was the grace plan of God for man and that plan still remains God’s ultimate intention forever. Then also, the dispensation of Noah unveiled and it was accounted in Scriptures how Noah found Grace with God, and how he followed through the plan and was made perfect and was made just in the sight of God and man because of God's eternal provisional grace and not Noah's human abilities. Then we read of the times and seasons of Moses whom God made to see Him face to face and talked with Him, and the Bible gave insight to how Moses offered himself to be led by God to lead God’s first born of all Israel. The Grace plan progressed and was reloaded and engaged as a prophetic movement of faith in God alone through a man with idolatry track record and background, unqualified and unfit to front Heaven’s agenda on earth. By the God of all Grace, he was processed through as Abram in the process of time, he later became father Abraham the father of many nations, the friend of God, birthing the promise of God through to Isaac, then Jacob to the birthing of Israel. 

Prophetically, Jehovah moved from there to establish His Grace missions through the Prophets having a picture of your future in mind. Gracefully advanced kings and the establishment of kings and kingdoms, and eventually found and graced David who was a prototype of Christ and a prophetic personality by the God of all Grace. David earned his place in the heart of God as the man after God’s own heart and believe me, this is and will remain the heartbeat of God in His Grace plan for all mankind and creature of His to be made fit in His image and likeness, especially to those who are called and will be called. David enjoyed that height of grace from God all through his reign on planet earth and on the throne which continued through to his biological son Solomon as promised him by God. Prophetically, God promised and made covenant with David that there shall be no vacancy as regards his throne and kingdom. That promise did not fail, and so David and his seeds did not lack one to minister leadership on his throne and in that prophetic order, Jesus Christ who is the finality and zenith of God’s provisional Grace is seated at the right hand of the God’s majesty as our King and Judge making irrevocable and irreversible atonement's, advocacy, prophetic leadership and intercessions for us halleluiah! 

Our Lord Jesus Christ while accomplishing His earthly ministry revealed and manifested the Grace of God to humanity at all cost and all means by His life and blood as the offer and offering of God’s Grace, the power of God unto salvation. His life “Grace” healed, restored, transformed, salvaged, saved, lifted, prospered, led by prophetic leadership men, as many as came to Him to the God Of All Grace. Jesus Christ dislodged principalities and powers, just like David rid off Goliath and wrought victories for the nation of Israel and many other supernatural feats, but Jesus did muchmore by the mandate of muchmore grace; “but not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many; Romans five verse fifteen”. By Christ alone, God’s grace was perfected and made available in abundance unto many everywhere to everyone; captives set free, the bound lose, the weak made strong, the unsaved saved, healing like children’s bread, miracles everywhere He goes, lighted-up dark places of the earth and declaring the acceptable season of the Lord all over the world.

God’s Grace project was summarized and made perfect in Christ by whom we have redemption by His blood to earn and enjoy God’s amazing and unmerited grace, making you and I and as many as believe fit to enjoy God and the pleasures of God “the free gift and gifts of God by Grace”. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” Ephesians two verse eight. Apostle Paul vociferously attested and gave evidence that I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ; first Corinthians one verses four. Talking about God’s grace summarized and perfected in Jesus Christ and furthermore revealed; But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me, first Corinthians fifteen verse ten.

Apostle Peter from our focal scriptures above reveals to “Christians and Christian Believers” the expedient need to prophetically undertake and understand the first 5’S as prophetically revealed to me not just for the explanations of the above sub-topic “God Of All Grace” but for the expressions of the grace of God in all endavours of life. My message here can be abridged from “Romans eight verses thirty two; He that spared not His own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”.

God is the God Of All Grace because season after seasons, tenure after tenures, decade after decades, century toward centuries, generation to generation, Jehovah has dispensed from His fullness GRACE for Grace, from the first economy through to the prophets, kings and kingdoms, His eternal grace is on record for you and I to engage, experience and also express Him. Calling men into supernatural positions and entrusting grace to all in different sectors, industries, professions and making professionals, giving kingdoms and empires in ICT as information communication technologist, internet, web designer, blogger, Journalist, in civil engineering, marine and construction/building engineer, in law as lawyers, be it corporate law, constitutional or human right legal practice, in beauty sectors as barbers, hairstylists or hairdressers, in entertainments as music or movies makers, media icons or event planners, in decorations as  painters, in cinematography as photographers, multi-media personnel, video editors, graphics designers or graphic editors, in medics as a medical doctors or nursing, lab-scientists, in transport as a transporters, in missions/ministry as a clergymen and women, in fashion and designs as a tailors or fashion designers whatever your trade, skill, business or enterprise, God’ Grace got you super covered because He is the God all grace and the God over you; But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. first Corinthians fifteen verse ten. Giving expression of how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him; Acts ten verse thirty eight. Jesus who is the provision of God grace got the backing of God, God was with Him because the same God gave Him the abilities “grace” to do His earthly ministry and scriptures revealed He was productive excellently and outstandingly maximized the grace of God upon His life.

The Grace of God is for all, both for the saved and for the unsaved; for it is written while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us Romans five verse eight and from the above introduction, here are the bullet points as summarized why I said our God is the God of all Grace;
1.     Because God is the Source of All Grace, John chapter one verse sixteen.
2.     Because He made Grace available through His Son Jesus Christ; I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ; first Corinthians one verse four
3.     Because He made Grace available to all and not to some; for the Grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men - Titus two verses eleven.
4.     Because All Grace is from God and is expressed in and through Him alone. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me; Philippians four verse thirteen.
5.     Because we can only be made or become whoever or whatsoever we desire by His unfailing Grace irrespective of our tribes, trials, trade, failures, backgrounds, skills, business, career, profession etc But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me, first Corinthians fifteen verse ten.
6.     Because He has a track record from “timeless testimonies of Grace” Scriptures from the very beginning of Creation till date, even “your dispensation”. Romans fifteen verse four; for whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
7.     Because His Grace is “designed and destined” for us to come into His eternal inheritance and His eternal glory and not temporal, not disgrace or shame; The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance; second Peter three verse nine. And for this cause He is the mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance; Hebrews nine verse fifteen.
Peter’s intentions from our focal scriptures reveals the God Of All Grace beyond the letters of Scriptures upon which I myself have received the Spiritual authority and content of the word of God and by my experiences and personal walk with Him to prophetically contextualize in clear perspectives the now intentions of the Elohim for someone here.

The deal here is, look no farther or further for provisions because the ultimate provision has been made through Jesus Christ for the purpose I shall be explaining the power making capacity of the GOD OF ALL GRACE to make you Offer and not to make you Suffer; after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect (seamless, sanctified), stablish, strengthen, settle you.

PT2 OF THE GOD OF ALL GRACE will be super expository and explosive...Expect It!

God Top Your Grace In The Name Of Jesus Christ Amen!

Pastor Buchi Thomas; Your Supernatural Host.  


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