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THE GOD OF ALL GRACE PT2: Understanding the timing system of God and the framework of His manifest Grace from “Suffer” to “Settle”

See how first Peter five verses ten reveals the timing system of God; the framework of His manifest Grace from “Suffer” to “Settle”, the five Prophetic S's as Supernatural strategy of how God did wrought His Grace plan through men.

First Peter five verses ten our focal Scripture reveals here the timing system of God, the framework of His manifest Grace from “Suffer” to “Settle”.  I present here to you the 5 prophetic S's and the supernatural strategy of how God did wrought His Grace plan from the first Adam, through to men of like passion, generation after generations through to the second and last Adam Jesus Christ and “today” advancing His grace dynamics entrusting and giving more grace to the humble, much more grace and great grace by the Holy Spirit through leaders, chief executives, managers, supervisors, decision and policy makers, stakeholders and everyone willing to “offer” cutting edge service having understood above the Power and the abilities of the God Of All Grace.

Revealing the first S-Suffer; let us consider first the dictionary definition of the word suffer; Suffer or suffering is defined as something equally unpleasant or to feel pain. Another definition says suffer means to be subjected to some form of discomfort or torment.

Kindly Note: whether the pain is physical or emotional, career or profession, financial, spiritual or economy, if you ask 60 people what could be the root cause of all human suffering given unique experiences and individual encounters, you would perhaps get 60 dissimilar responses when in reality there's only one.

However, permit me first to ask prophetically with sincere concern, what are your sufferings or what are you suffering for? Better asked in prophetic order, what are your offerings or what are you offering for? This is so expedient because there are no vacuum or propinquity to breathing the breath of life, you breathe in and out for a cause and if the purpose to which man exists is not spiritually and prophetically defined, suffering sets in as against offering your life and space.

In my research and findings to help my knowledge on this subject matter, I discovered the very root word of suffer, which I honestly consider to be in prophetic order especially for this masterpiece: I found the root of suffer from the Latin word "sufferre", which means to “bear”, “undergo”, or “endure”, just like the popular saying goes; someone who don’t suffer fools gladly won't put up with nonsense. While in the process of my search, I heard a loud voice say to me, "to undergo is the pointer to rising in life". So, to suffer from the root word means to undergo, bear or endure and I am sincerely going to take my queue and backlog here simply to portray the spiritual contextualization and construction of God’s perspective of what suffer from a prophetic order ought to be; “offer and not suffer”. 

Our focal Scriptures revealed how God called people, God’s call is the call to offer you, yourself and to offer your will and not to suffer for yourself and from yourself or your will. God’s grace is calling you to offer your will and not to suffer your will or suffer for your will; Jesus taught us that at Gethsemane at the point of prayer. 

My SUPERNATURAL definition of suffer is to offer, to offer at the very point of knowledge and conviction by the Holy Spirit and that is i said, it is supernatural ability to see the God of all grace in your day to day life and decision making else, it will become as the denotative meaning. Furthermore, what you do not willingly offer goes from suffering to suffocation. When you do not willingly offer your life and self to be groomed and cultured, what should have been a willing offering will turn out as suffering.

Now, for every path the enemy has misguided your emotions to follow and you are in the kind of suffering Apostle Peter revealed as suffering for nothing sake, sincerely the only way-out from that point is to find grace, find your way, trace your way back to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace, the grace to offer before it turns from suffering to suffocation.

The first S is so important because if any prophetic life is not grounded and prophetically scheduled through this path, many things will go wrong. This is the reason again i am taking my queue prophetically from the root definition of suffer "sufferer"- supposed meaning to endure, undergo or bear and I ask again, undergo or bear or endure what, why, where, when and what?

So, from my supernatural definition, you Offer, you don’t Suffer and you offer not to suffer. To offer is to do it willingly knowing why, where, when and what by knowledge and conviction by the Holy Spirit like i said earlier. So, if you do not know the why, you won't know the when, the where and the what, so it will be seen as suffering and not offering. I said in my redemption masterpiece that life generally is all about offerings especially to us as Christian Believers.

For us, it is to offer the flesh, to SUBMIT to the leading of God. To suffer means to learn a process, to suffer means to go deep into God and returning unto men for impacts of all the process and processes God took us and is taking us through, the journey of eternity to bless mortality. Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath... Matthew ten verse thirty nine, Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. first Peter four verses one; If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: Second Timothy two verses twelve. It will be unjust to sufferings of Christ if we stop at knowing Him and not obeying Him, we do not offer ourselves to suffer, but to service, to the sincere service of the Lord and to mankind. Reigning with Him is first understanding the prophetic place and space where you have need to offer, offering stops suffering, the offer of you to function in His mindset, daily acquiring and equipping your prophetic life and space with His mindset

Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, it will be our prophetic and supernatural obligation to learn to offer in the spirit, being led by the Holy Spirit to the place of burning off carnal calories bulged by unguided and untamed emotions. Where our base desires and selfish tendencies are rolled off the way and path of our prophetic movement. We owe our generation capacity, wisdom, knowledge and impact for witty invention and solution to their problems.

We are designed and destined to be compatible with His Image and Likeness which means to live to bring Him Pleasures and not Pressures which explain the fit design of God’s Grace. We are justified, beautified and glorified to Engage, Experience and Express God when we learn the acts of offer and offering of self to Gain God. You don’t offer to suffer, but you offer self and selfishness to Gain God, and if you are not gaining God, you will not gain the world and that to me is life minus God’s grace. 

What are you offering and what you designed and destined to exude in life, your life expressions is traced to your life engagements, if you do not want your present expressions, do not want your engagements. On every serious business round table meetings, board meetings, negotiation tables, you must learn how to equip yourself to come with an offer to the table of business or meetings. You cannot come to the table without an offer or what to offer, that will show lack of seriousness or make you appear insignificant to others. I charge you moreso to bid with the best and outstanding offer, it can only be supernatural when you are prophetically equipped and processed in Christ.

Come let us reason together says the Lord of host, Jesus gave up His entire royal accolades, estate and throne to take up a higher and more better deal at the right Hand of God, but first, He had His processes at Gethsemane the place of encounter, giving up His will “an eternal offer” to continue service and serving humanity even after breaking from breath here on earth to continue breathing in eternity.

The Spirit of God said to me, just as a sick patient submits himself or herself to go through clinical processes for diagnosis and treatments, so everyone ignorant submits himself or herself to a learning environment “school” go through learning to be educated not just for academics, but proper education to cure or overcome ignorance and the same applies to the Journey of the Spirit and life. 

As a lawyer, as a priest, as a technician, as a farmer, as an engineer, as a doctor in whatever profession you may find yourself or you want to find yourself, you have to submit yourself to engage, experience, educate and express yourself at your very best and the big question why the God of all grace is revealed here is, in what capacity do you intend to exude or express what is inside of you?

Vision: What do you see from here? The place of vision or foresight is super important to making offers’ in whatever capacity or cause. The truth first is, end from suffering and start a deal of offering to life, it all begins with a well defined vision and purpose for living because where there is no vision the people perish. Many are suffering and not offering because of the lack of purpose and vision. You cannot offer what you don’t have, Jesus could offer because He got foresight. The redefined what vision truly is to me, He said from the prophetic order, vision is the revelation of who God is to you and who God says you are. You cannot be one of the lawyers in town, it is impossible for you to be addressed as one of the engineers or ITC persons in town, God’s grace must single you out, your brand and personality trade must be supernaturally distinguished any day, anytime and that can only be made possible when your submission and offer is guided prophetically and supernaturally in CHRIST.

The twelve was sent out to spy the land; a strategic template deployed by prophetic challenge for a takeover, ten went with no vision, with themselves in mind, with their own eyes and mindsets and returned with a failed and destiny devastating report, a journey and project without God ends this way. No and no, not the same with Joshua and Caleb who engaged, experienced and returned to make expressions of their engagements and experiences with prophetic backings “the mind of Christ” which is the mind of all things are possible with the God of all Grace. The vision of Joshua and Caleb cancelled the failure reports the devil used the other ten to bring against the people, it was indeed a terror report, it was opposite to the prophetic order of God for the people, thank God for Joshua and Caleb, men with a distinguished capacity to call forth the things that be not as though they were, the nature and the culture of God. 

The difference I want us to examine here between the ten and the two is; the ten was with the eyes of mortal men while the two saw with the eyes of the immortal, the invisible, the only one and true God of all grace. Believe me, if you engage your career, trade, profession or whatever you do with this mindset, your expressions will amaze men and get you on the cutting edge in all endeavours of life. 

Decline it: Still on the power of vision, Jesus saw the glory that was behind the Cross before He was able to offer. Whatever you cannot see with the eyes of the God of all Grace, whatever decision that is not in favour of God and all, whatever will not promote His praise and glory, DO NOT OFFER, else, it will bring suffering. In all your offerings in life, make offers that reveal the will of God. Take this and pray ahead now, because life is all about offering and offers, when God is not revealed by the Holy Spirit, do not go for it. The devil came to Jesus in Matthew chapter four and gave Jesus offers and expecting a return offer from Jesus, but the Lord declined all of His attempts because the devil's offers did not reveal anything close to the will of God. I pray for someone here reading this masterpiece, receive the boldness to decline ungodly and carnal offers powered by selfish motives in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

By the power of vision and the prophetic ability to see beyond the veils of selfish cravings and temporal gratifications of the flesh, David humbly declined Saul’s offer to use the grace of King Saul "the weapons of Saul" the same weapon that could not undo Goliath to fight the same giant who terrorized Israel day and night. By a prophetic eye, David saw Goliath as not fit to withstand the weakest amongst the soldiers of Israel when he exposed Goliath's real identity as an uncircumcised Philistine whereas four hundred armed soldiers saw him as a worthy threat strong enough to hold them down for forty days and nights. Hear me sir/ma, whatever you cannot see supernaturally, you cannot cease naturally, so decline any offer from whoever and whatever you cannot see the God of all Grace in it.

Thank You for being part of this journey; The God of All Grace Pt 2.
Pt 3 Coming Soon... 

Pastor Buchi Thomas- Your Supernatural Host. 


  1. This is indeed inspiring. More grace and wisdom to run the race.


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