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We have to diligently study How Coca Cola saw beyond the dissuasion's of selling 25 gallons of Syrup in its first year of operations to selling over 1,800,000,000 bottles today which began in a three-legged brass pot in the backyard of John S. Pemberton on May 8, 1886.

Welcome to Vision Power PT2 from our Series; Supernatural Lifting. Note: Supernatural Lifting is a consistent concern as  far as God is involved in your Prophetic Journey on planet Earth. It takes uncommon vision to be on a constant lift supernaturally and this is a conscious act of seeing, thinking, existing and living far beyond self -Pastor Buchi Thomas.

TAKE PROPHETIC RESPONSIBILITY for your Supernatural Lifting. The 7Tasks of Vision...

LIFT UP YOUR EYES: When God asked Abraham to look up, He was also making reference to us, because you see, many Christians want lifting from God but don’t want to look up to God in waiting, prayers, and every means possible under grace to look up to God. Secondly, God said to Abraham as far as you can see, same applies to the seeds of Abraham and we are the seeds of Abraham through Jesus Christ “as far as we can see” denotes possibilities.

What you see, where you see, when you see, how you see, why you see and who you see are all that you see to cease your supernatural position in Christ. I am certainly not talking about the Pharisees or Sadducees kinda seeing here, but having a prophetic sight, insight and foresight by the Holy Spirit. A. What you see; the vision, Habakkuk said I will stand upon my watch to hear what He will say to me Habakkuk two verse one whatever you want to hear from God, go for His vision, like I said, it opens you up to responsibility and consistent lifting. B. Where you see what you see; Right where you are you are, the secret place can be anywhere your heart is, for Habakkuk, it was his watch place, for David, the secret place, for Moses, it was where he was standing, for Joshua anywhere the sole of his feet shall touch, for Abraham, it was from where he was standing, yours is best known to you, but God is omnipresent, He speak to us anywhere whenever we are open to hear Him. C, When you see what you see is Now, because now faith is, now is the acceptable time of the Lord, Genesis twelve verse one; now the LORD has said unto Abram, Hebrews ten verse thirty eight; Now the just shall live by faith and that is because, we live and we are alive now. D, Why you see what you see; because in Him live, move and your being, to obey God and live in His obedience, because He want to blessed exceedingly, abundantly, above all my human efforts, because the earth is Lord’s and everything in it and so many reasons to why. E, Who you see in what you see; The LORD ofcourse, not man and that was why Isaiah saw the Lord when king Uzziah died, Abram couldn’t see beyond Lot until there came a separation between them, it is impossible to be lifted without seeing the Lord who is your source of vision and lifting. I prophesy to you, whatever makes it impossible for you to see beyond human factors so as to see God is removed now by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name Amen!

Supernaturally lifting amidst other definitions is the ability to see the roof from the root, which is, engaging what you saw from the bottom to the top by the force of accumulated knowledge. I have said that there is nothing sudden in life, every uprising in life is a function of the motion and movement of knowledge and experiences gathered overtime and the outcome of that process is what mere men call sudden or miracle. In Acts two, they were all obedient to assemble themselves at the upper-room as instructed, praying and singing, dancing and building spiritual muscles, the Holy Ghost impetus, energy, momentum and force and the result came suddenly. Please take note of the most important thing that they were conscious of the instructions to wait for the outpouring, in that obedience, the supernatural became natural and the breakthrough came without them struggling, rivaling, manipulating one another or trying to outdo or outshine, it was freelance of lifting supernaturally. 

In my recent quote, I said “If you must BE LIFTED where others failed or where others are limited; then you must SEE beyond what made them fail or limited”. The twelve was prophetically sent to carry-out “TAKEOVER Mandate” survey, just like the multinational company where you plough your trade can officially send you out as a marketer to carry out a marketing survey for product promotions or sales and even market takeover which in most cases leads to career promotion and lifting thereafter. Now, out of the twelve sent out, ten returned with failed negative and hopeless report from a land prophetically revealed as the land given to them, loaded with milk and honey and generational resources. But when Joshua and Caleb returned from their survey, lost hope was restored, fear planted in the hearts of a whole nation by ten normal minds vanished, they were revived and refueled by the report from two supernatural minds whose spirit was described as "another kind of spirit”. They saw differently with the eyes of their heart, the mind of God and not with the eyes of man’s failing heart and fear. Little wonder the Scriptures revealed that with man supernatural things are impossible, but with God giants can look like dwarfs and lands fully and duly occupied can be re-shared to fit God’s prophesy and promises for our lives. 

LOOK RIGHT, SEE RIGHT:  The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness; Luke eleven verses thirty four. As Christians believers and not just as religious Christians, storms, challenges and oppositions or hostilities comes to test where our trust, heart and gaze is, weather on the Lord or in the World.  What do you see, opportunity or obscurity, dunghills or high hills of the Lord, Wayout or Wandering or Wilderness, Light or Darkness? 

Quite many Christians have the eyes to look, but few have the eyes to see. Coca Cola saw beyond the dissuasion's of selling 25 gallons of Syrup in its first year of operations which began in a three-legged brass pot in the backyard of John S. Pemberton on May 8, 1886. There has been the misunderstanding or misinformation that Coca-cola only sold 25 bottles of Cola drinks in their first year. It was commonly misconstrued to be 25 bottles, but the right information is that Coca Cola sold 25 gallons of Syrup. Today, an exact number is hard to give: Coca Cola company averages 41 Billion US$ a year in sales and has over 3,500 Products. Estimates from this website ( says that 1,800,000,000 Coke bottles are sold every day, and 10,450 Coca Cola products are consumed every second.

Jeremiah eleven verses twelve through fourteen; Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree. Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it. And the word of the LORD came unto me the second time, saying, What seest thou? And I said, I see a seething pot; and the face thereof is toward the north. Then the LORD said unto me, Out of the north an evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land. Isaiah eleven verses one reveals what the rod signifies here; Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, And a branch from his roots will bear fruit. First, he saw the rod, which implies power, authority, ability as the scepter of leadership and don’t forget, leadership is direction and direction comes by revelation and revelation is what you see up there to make happen down here “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. The above Scripture reveals the vision that came to the seer Jeremiah, a young prophet at his early life in ministry and whatever he sees at this level of his prophetic assignment must be appropriate and prophetically in alignment with the Caller, teaching him that whatever he sees flies.

In analyzing the first and the second revelation; prophetically and supernaturally, the almond-tree, transmittable in the first invention of the new season which represents the perception of inland and inward truth, as it relates to our internal and eternal life; and which is resulting from such wholesomeness of flora as it occurs in the natural mind, when renewing or reinforcing. 

As the first flower of the year the blossom is the Awakener, hence it depicts vigilance; it also represents sweetness, saccharinity, sugariness, charm, delicacy. For the Chinese, it is feminine beauty, strength and resilience in sorrow, watchfulness. In the Christianity, the almond implies divine favour and endorsement, and the purity of the Virgin. Nutritionally, the fruit of the almond represents the practical goodness in the work and uses of daily life. The Almond tree gives the revelation and expression of a soothing prophetic insight of our walk with Christ when we look unto Him as the Author and Finisher of our faith.

The second vision reveals a SEETHING POT; analyzing one of the commentaries I understudied on this particular topic, it says that Jeremiah saw a “seething pot” or a boiling caldron, a flesh-pot, on the fire, the contents boiling up, puffing up above the edges, running over, wasting and spoiling, and damaging the things they were falling upon.

In the literal illustration, this boiling flesh-pot represented the City of Jerusalem, in great hubbub and disorder because of the army of Nebuchadnezzar, which was soon to come down upon it from the North. The sweltering and boiling over of the contents of the pot, fitly epitomized the conditions of confusion, distress, and destruction of the Jews, surrounded by their flaming enemies.

Geographically, the North Pole, also known as the Geographic North Pole or Terrestrial North Pole, is (subject to the caveats explained below) defined as the point in the Northern Hemisphere where the Earth's axis of rotation meets its surface. Spiritually, a pot, as a hallow vessel, represents a doctrine, a statement of truth, which is a hallow vessel in the mind, holding such things as our will and our understanding place in it like facing THE NORTH as revealed from the above experience of Jeremiah. It is said that the pot had its face to the North, which means a position and condition of disorder and weakness vulnerable to the enemy from the North upon the mind. The North position represents a more obscure state of mind as to the truth, a state of oblivion and inconspicuousness of mind against possibilities, false and humanistic ideas and ideologies limiting the truth.

Investing my time to analyze Jeremiah’s experience because life gets direction from revelations, what the eyes sees, the mind assimilates for consumption(s). The two experiences reveal the power of positive vision and also the negative, sincerely whatsoever is not in alignment with God’s prophetic agenda by the revelation of Scriptures is subject to reviews and possible replacement to what fits the programme of God. Humanly speaking, exactly what the ten saw was also what Joshua and Caleb saw because they charged the people not to be afraid for God is with them (subjected to what was promised). It implies that we can change unpleasant situations by our supernatural perception and revelation, by not seeing the situation or challenges the way they appear, but by the way they should be, through God to the pulling down of strongholds. 

Thanks for stopping by to invest your prophetic time. Kindly come back for PART3 VISIONPower from Supernatural Lifting Series.

GOD is committed to your consistent lifting...

Pastor Thomas Buchi: Your Supernatural Host


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