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"Strengthened and Settled" the climax; The GOD OF ALL GRACE PT5: from the series MAXIMIZING GOD'S GRACE.

How Prophetically God got you fully and dully covered in His Grace Agenda; "Strengthened and Settled" (The 5S's from first Peter five verses ten) and Understanding God's Supernatural & Prophetic Promotion Plan, His Divine timing system and the framework of His manifest Grace from “Suffer” to “Settle.

Its has been a great journey and a supernatural one at that, climaxing this timely masterpiece with the PT5; THE GOD OF ALL GRACE from my newest work on Grace, MAXIMIZING GOD'S GRACE Series... 

PT 4 ushered us in to Understanding God's Supernatural & Prophetic Promotion Plan using (The 5S's from first Peter five verses ten). And now the climax, the 4th and 5th S "Strengthened You and Settle You.

Take Note Friends; 90% of this masterpiece tells my story, my prophetic walk and supernatural moments with The God Of All Grace, my life and ministry so far, numerous healing, deliverance's and unfathomable miracles, the many things He taught me by the Holy Spirit through the things i have been through. Encountering His love, Embracing His Mercies, Engaging His power, Experiencing His amazing grace and Expressing His glory.

Supernatural speaking, God is saying here, no dehydration, no exhaustion, no dry moment; no room for desiccation, with the power of the Holy Spirit, there cannot be room for dry up or dry out. You cannot have the joy of the Lord and be stranded or short of supernatural gasoline or energy to engage, experience and express your prophetic assignments; sir/ma, there is adequate provision in Christ for your top up.
Productivity and efficiency at both workplace and marketplace is released here in the name of Jesus Christ, I kill the foul spirit connecting your energy level to deficiencies by the voice of the blood of Jesus Christ. Strength is required to make your dreams and desire happen, a deficient person hardly do much, God says you can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you ever do by your human abilities, but by His grace provision and power at work in you, you can go head long and do even exceeding much more.

Ever experienced the Lagos traffic for example, to and from work? Statistics shows that more than 80-90% who work and live in Lagos especially those who live in neighboring states like Ogun State spend almost half day in traffics daily. Stressed to work and stressed back from work. Most of them wake up as early as 3am to prepare for work to leave home say 4am so as to beat the morning traffic to the island especially workers who live on the mainland and large percentage of them close late to return home say 10pm. Now you can imagine the degree of stress this will seed in their health and lifespan.

I will strengthen you, God says; this means He will always top you up or top your spiritual tank, all you need to do is find your way to your top up station, to your fuel station and open up your fuel tank and get filled up or fueled up in “His presence” and off you go on and on, they go from strength to strength all of them that appeared in Zion. While going through hard times, tough moments and trying moments such as the traffic experience or any other kind of challenge, count it all joy and let the joy of the Lord be your strength. 

To be strengthened means to make or become stronger. Strength here begins with the joy of the Lord, the joy of knowing that He is faithful that promised and will always be there. Nehemiah eight verse ten, then he said unto them, GO your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength. Strength is supposed to be for the weak, but then, you can go from strength to strength not giving attention weakness. In the grace plan of God, you are immune through His joy never to experience stress, because stress drains strength. 

One, His presence is provided in His grace plan as the reconnecting point for your energy to continue where the enemy plots stress or failures. Psalms eighty four verse seven; they go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appreareth before God. Psalms sixteen verses eleven; Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. You must learn to find your strength and when you find it, do not lose it and the only provision to keep you strengthened is in His presence, God’s grace plan covers your energy level to the brim, you cannot be drained. 

People are failing, strength and energy levels are being lost, pressures everywhere, traffics and wrong government policies drains energy levels and attacks life spans from all side, but gladness always fill my heart when they say to me, let us go to the house of the Lord and that joy fills my heart because I know I shall gain momentum all over again and get better. 

Acts eight verse eleven; But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. So the thing is inside you, but can only be fueled and energized in Zion and in the presence of God. Hebrews four verses sixteen reveals our top up location as the throne of grace and we are enjoined to approach there with boldness knowing the discouraging factors to hinder many from accessing the place of refueling, let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. The trick of the enemy is to get as many as possible discouraged and disconnected from the throne of grace knowing fully well that provision to meet every need is in God presence and fellowship amongst Christian believers where iron sharpens iron.

Colossians One verses eleven to thirteen Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; Giving thanks unto the Father. Philippian’s four verses thirteen. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right of my righteousness Isaiah forty one verse ten.-

You are strengthened with all might not according to your abilities or fame, but according to the ever available provision of His glorious power and through Christ who makes strength available. This and many more goodies are available in the grace plan and agenda of God for us to embrace, engage, experience and express, stress is completely aborted when knowledge of God’s strength is known, for in His presence is fullness of joy glory halleluiah.

I prophesy wherever the enemy is pushing for stress and pressure, I cancel and frustrate that process, instead of stress or pressure, I speak forth the Strength and the Pleasures of God over you, your health and in all endavours in the name of Jesus Christ Amen!

Be Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, and do all things through Christ which strengtheneth you in Jesus name Amen.

The fifth S is SETTLE YOU:
Settlement is not retirement; retirement is strategic and creative at the same time. God is not talking about stopping at any point with you or where you are right now even if you are in your billionaire status. Settlement in God’s grace agenda is a prophetic perspective of heaven to bring you from one phase of settlement to another level of it. God is settling you from this level to the next level, from the next level to a high level and then a higher level, from there to a top level in all endavours of your walk with Him. Let me hear a loud Amen here!

Secondly, that generational rift between God and your ancestry is hereby settled by the blood of Jesus Christ “Ephesians two verses ten-twenty two” That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For He is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Glory to the victory name of Jesus Christ!

Thirdly, the debts and condemnation over your prophetic life and life is fully paid for and you are settled by the blood of Jesus Christ. Everything concerning you which the enemy said can’t be possible is now settled and sorted by the provision of His grace plan. 

Settle is synonymous with to be or become peaceful, to become calm; settle down, calm down and to win at last. My friends, having the best is being peaceful with what you have and being peaceful with what you have is having the best of God, for it is written Proverbs ten verses twenty two; the blessing of Lord Jehovah makes rich and there shall be no sorrow with it, also reveling in complement with the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding and riches Philippians four verse seven. 

Settle mean to satisfy, to clear, to pay, to resolve, to come or cause to come to a conclusion. First Chronicles seventeen verses fourteen through to twenty seven; but I will settle him in mine house and in my kingdom forever: and his throne shall be established for evermore. According to all these words; God’s promise is already settled in your life, His words are yes and Amen! Second Corinthians one verse twenty; “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.”

Spiritually, physically, financially, economically, professionally and in whatever area of life you are engaging God’s grace plan, I hear God says settled! I heard Him say, it is settled; it is already sealed, resolved and paid for, all in His eternal grace agenda.

So then if God said settled, see what Jesus said to you reading this masterpiece in Luke twenty one verse fourteen to nineteen Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries. Jesus is saying to you, if God your maker has said settled and paid for, you must also settle it in your heart to complement God’s wisdom. Right now, let the mouth give prophetic and supernatural express by the wisdom of God especially over that situation that seems to be speaking contrary to the grace provision of God for your life that I am settled.
The adversaries of the believer headed by the arch-enemy himself comes to steal, kill and destroy and to say unsettle where God have said settled, or to say what God had not said in His grace plan for you, tell him; my career settled, my health and healing settled, my business settled in Christ, my faith in Christ settled, the joy of the Lord over me settled, my marital life settled, my finance and economy settled, my bills and all settled in Christ. 

My friends, that is how Jehovah, the God of all grace entrusted and entreated us to handle His grace agenda; then settle it in your heart that you cannot suffer, your supposed suffering is your offering of faith and not failures. Settle it in your heart that you are Sanctified and Seamless with and in Jesus Christ, settle it in your heart that you are Stablished in that career or field of life, settle it in your heart that you have been Strengthened by the power of His Might and the Joy of the Lord is your strength. Settle it in your heart that God have Settled you and you are the son and daughter of the God of all grace. Glory! 

If God have settled it all by His grace plan in and by His unfailing word, then also settle it in your heart and express it through your mouth in praises, in prayers and in all supplications, giving thanks unto Him alone that is the same God of all grace to His praise and His grace and glory.
Congratulations! I will hear your testimonies in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Send your testimonies here; for counseling and prayers and most importantly waiting to share in your testimonies +234 8023962535.


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